Recruiting Top Performers

Robert Zelewski
Jun 08, 2024By Robert Zelewski

How to Recruit Top Performers: An Effective Guide for Top Managers

Recruiting top performers is crucial for any organization aiming to maintain a competitive edge. As a top manager, one of your main tasks is to implement effective recruitment strategies. In this post, I'll explore proven techniques to recruit successful managers, drawing from my extensive experience in recruiting hundreds of managers. The key is to use a vast network of professional contacts and focus on competencies and cultural fit. I aim to share insights that can improve your recruitment approach and ensure that you hire the best talent.

Understanding the Importance of Recruitment Effectiveness

Effective recruitment is more than just filling positions; it's about finding individuals who will excel and drive your organization forward. Top performers bring innovation, leadership, and a high level of productivity that can significantly impact your company's success. Here’s how you can ensure your recruitment process is geared towards hiring these top performers.

1. Define Clear Job Competencies

Why It Matters: Clearly defined job competencies are the foundation of effective recruitment. They ensure that you find candidates with the right skills, knowledge, and abilities. Such new hires will drive success by achieving business goals.

How to Do It: Identify Core Competencies: Determine the essential skills and attributes required for the role, including technical skills, soft skills, and leadership qualities. Making a list that outlines these competencies in detail. This will help you to find and hire candidates who meet these criteria. 

2. Use Professional Network or recruitment professionals.

Why It Matters: A strong professional network is a goldmine for sourcing candidates. Referrals from trusted contacts often lead to high-quality hires.

How to Do It: Utilize LinkedIn were you can actively search for potential candidates. Use LinkedIn's advanced search features to find individuals with the competencies you're looking for. Participate in conferences, seminars, and workshops to meet potential candidates and invite them to your LinkedIn network. These events are excellent opportunities to build relationships and increase the chances of finding top performers.

I have network of more than 26.000 contacts, who can give me access to hundreds of thousands professionals. It took me almost 10 years to build, but it was worth it and it became amazing tool for finding top talent. You can do the same, building network on LinkedIn is quite easy. 

3. Implement a Structured, Competency based Interview Process

Why It Matters: A structured interview process ensures consistency, making it easier to compare candidates objectively. Asking the same questions to all candidates ensures fair comparisons.

How to Do It: Create a list of competency-based questions for all candidates. Ask about specific situations where competencies should be used. Ask open ended questions and then follow up for details. Key to success is scoring system to evaluate candidates' answers based on the competencies detailed in the job description. This will show what is the level of competencies.

4. Focus on Cultural Fit

Why It Matters: Cultural fit is critical for long-term success. Employees who align with your company's values and culture are more likely to be engaged, productive, and stay longer. When they like your company they can bring alike candidates.

How to Do It: Define Your Company Culture: Every company has a culture which is not necessary summary of your company's mission and values. Understand how your employees perceive the culture and ways of working at your firm. And then ask questions that assess a candidate's cultural fit during the interview process.

5. Utilize Assessment Tools (if necessary)

Why It Matters: Assessment tools can provide additional data on candidates' skills, personality, and fit for the role.

How to Do It: Implement Psychometric Tests: Assess candidates' cognitive abilities, personality traits, and emotional intelligence. Conduct Work Samples: Ask candidates to complete tasks or projects that simulate the work they would be doing in the role. This provides insight into their practical skills and performance under time constraints.


Recruiting top performers is a strategic process that requires a clear understanding of job competencies, leveraging your professional network, ensuring cultural fit, and utilizing structured interviews also assessment tools if necessary. Hiring high-performing managers will drive your organization forward. Remember, never compromise during recruitment. As the saying goes, “Don’t hire the tallest dwarf for your basketball team.” Keep searching until you find the key player for your company.